It might not have been the best answer, but Lisa's happy with what she told Addy about the birds and the bees.
By Lisa van de Geyn
Updated Jun 18, 2013So, the other day, Addy says to me: “Mommy, how do the babies get into mommies’ tummies?”
She was too young when I was pregnant with Peyton to understand that a baby was in my tummy. She was, let’s say, taken aback by my giant stomach (most people were, I think), but looked at us like we were insane when we’d tell her what was inside that big tummy. (The best thing she ever said was when she asked Peter what was in his stomach. To this day she says, “Babies are in mommies’ tummies, and food is in daddies’ tummies.)
Anyway, she was watching me update my photo albums the other day and I showed her pictures of me pregnant just before she was born, which she thought was just hilarious. And now that there’s been more talk of babies — she and Peyps are getting their first cousin later this year — I guess she decided to investigate the whole babies-in-the-tummy thing.
So how did I answer her? I didn’t bust out the stork thing (I’m terribly afraid of birds), nor did I attempt to explain conception to my preschooler. I simply said that moms and dads who love each other make babies and the babies grow in the mommy's tummy.
“That’s ridiculous,” she said.
Ridiculous, maybe, but that seemed to be a good enough answer to satisfy her almost-four-year-old curiosity. (Even more “crazy” was when she announced that when she has babies, they’ll call her “mommy” and they’ll call her mommy “bubby.” “And then I’ll fall over laughin’,” she giggled.)
Along the same line of questioning, she has asked me “What are the long stickers in your underwear, mommy” (read: maxi pads), but I’ve managed to change the subject when she’s asked. (TMI, I know.)
How old were your little ones when they asked about where babies come from? What did you tell them?
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